12  Data Grouping and Aggregation

Grouping and aggregation are essential in data science because they enable meaningful analysis and insights from complex and large-scale datasets. Here are key reasons why they are important:

In this chapter, we are going to see grouping and aggregating using pandas. Grouping and aggregating will help to achieve data analysis easily using various functions. These methods will help us to the group and summarize our data and make complex analysis comparatively easy.

Througout this chapter, we will use gdp_lifeExpectancy.csv, let’s read the csv file to pandas dataframe first

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline
# Load the data
gdp_lifeExp_data = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/gdp_lifeExpectancy.csv')
country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106

12.1 Grouping by a single column

groupby() allows you to split a DataFrame based on the values in one or more columns. First, we’ll explore grouping by a single column.

12.1.1 Syntax of groupby()

  • DataFrame.groupby(by="column_name") – Groups data by the specified column.

Consider the life expectancy dataset. suppose we want to group by the observations by continent by passing it as an argument to the groupby() method.

#Creating a GroupBy object
grouped = gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby('continent')
#This will split the data into groups that correspond to values of the column 'continent'

The groupby() method returns a GroupBy object.

#A 'GroupBy' objects is created with the `groupby()` function

The GroupBy object grouped contains the information of the groups in which the data is distributed. Each observation has been assigned to a specific group of the column(s) used to group the data. However, note that the dataset is not physically split into different DataFrames. For example, in the above case, each observation is assigned to a particular group depending on the value of the continent for that observation. However, all the observations are still in the same DataFrame data.

12.1.2 Attributes and methods of the GroupBy object keys

The object(s) grouping the data are called key(s). Here continent is the group key. The keys of the GroupBy object can be seen using Its keys attribute.

#Key(s) of the GroupBy object
'continent' ngroups

The number of groups in which the data is distributed based on the keys can be seen with the ngroups attribute.

#The number of groups based on the key(s)

The group names are the keys of the dictionary, while the row labels are the corresponding values

#Group names
dict_keys(['Africa', 'Americas', 'Asia', 'Europe', 'Oceania']) groups

The groups attribute of the GroupBy object contains the group labels (or names) and the row labels of the observations in each group, as a dictionary.

#The groups (in the dictionary format)
{'Africa': [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, ...], 'Americas': [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 432, 433, 434, 435, ...], 'Asia': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, ...], 'Europe': [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 516, 517, 518, 519, ...], 'Oceania': [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103]} groups.values

The groups.values attribute of the GroupBy object contains the row labels of the observations in each group, as a dictionary.

#Group values are the row labels corresponding to a particular group
dict_values([Index([  24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,   31,   32,   33,
       1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1703],
      dtype='int64', length=624), Index([  48,   49,   50,   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,
       1634, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643],
      dtype='int64', length=300), Index([   0,    1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,
       1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1679],
      dtype='int64', length=396), Index([  12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,   21,
       1598, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607],
      dtype='int64', length=360), Index([  60,   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,   71,
       1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103],
      dtype='int64')]) size()

The size() method of the GroupBy object returns the number of observations in each group.

#Number of observations in each group
Africa      624
Americas    300
Asia        396
Europe      360
Oceania      24
dtype: int64 first()

The first non missing element of each group is returned with the first() method of the GroupBy object.

#The first element of the group can be printed using the first() method
country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
Africa Algeria 1952 43.077 9279525 2449.008185
Americas Argentina 1952 62.485 17876956 5911.315053
Asia Afghanistan 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
Europe Albania 1952 55.230 1282697 1601.056136
Oceania Australia 1952 69.120 8691212 10039.595640 get_group()

This method returns the observations for a particular group of the GroupBy object.

#Observations for individual groups can be obtained using the get_group() function
country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1675 Yemen, Rep. Asia 1987 52.922 11219340 1971.741538
1676 Yemen, Rep. Asia 1992 55.599 13367997 1879.496673
1677 Yemen, Rep. Asia 1997 58.020 15826497 2117.484526
1678 Yemen, Rep. Asia 2002 60.308 18701257 2234.820827
1679 Yemen, Rep. Asia 2007 62.698 22211743 2280.769906

396 rows × 6 columns

12.2 Data aggregation within groups

12.2.1 Common Aggregation Functions

Aggregation functions are essential for summarizing and analyzing data in pandas. These functions allow you to compute summary statistics for your data, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.

Below are some of the most commonly used aggregation functions when working with grouped data in pandas:

  • mean() – Calculates the average value of the group.
  • sum() – Computes the total value by summing all elements in the group.
  • min() – Finds the minimum value in the group.
  • max() – Finds the maximum value in the group.
  • count() – Returns the number of occurrences or entries in the group.
  • median() – Finds the middle value in the sorted group.
  • std() – Calculates the standard deviation, measuring the spread or variation in the values of the group.

Each of these functions can help summarize and provide insights into different aspects of the grouped data.

Consider the life expectancy dataset, let’s find the mean life expectancy, population and GDP per capita for each country during the period of 1952 -2007.

Next, we’ll find the mean statistics for each group with the mean() method. The method will be applied on all columns of the DataFrame and all groups.

#Grouping the observations by 'country'
grouped_country = gdp_lifeExp_data.drop (['continent', 'year'], axis = 1).groupby('country')

#Finding the mean stastistic of all columns of the DataFrame and all groups
lifeExp pop gdpPercap
Afghanistan 37.478833 1.582372e+07 802.674598
Albania 68.432917 2.580249e+06 3255.366633
Algeria 59.030167 1.987541e+07 4426.025973
Angola 37.883500 7.309390e+06 3607.100529
Argentina 69.060417 2.860224e+07 8955.553783
... ... ... ...
Vietnam 57.479500 5.456857e+07 1017.712615
West Bank and Gaza 60.328667 1.848606e+06 3759.996781
Yemen, Rep. 46.780417 1.084319e+07 1569.274672
Zambia 45.996333 6.353805e+06 1358.199409
Zimbabwe 52.663167 7.641966e+06 635.858042

142 rows × 3 columns

Next, we’ll find the standard deviation statistics for each group with the std() method.

lifeExp pop gdpPercap
Afghanistan 5.098646 7.114583e+06 108.202929
Albania 6.322911 8.285855e+05 1192.351513
Algeria 10.340069 8.613355e+06 1310.337656
Angola 4.005276 2.672281e+06 1165.900251
Argentina 4.186470 7.546609e+06 1862.583151
... ... ... ...
Vietnam 12.172331 2.052585e+07 567.482251
West Bank and Gaza 11.000069 1.023057e+06 1716.840614
Yemen, Rep. 11.019302 5.590408e+06 609.939160
Zambia 4.453246 3.096949e+06 247.494984
Zimbabwe 7.071816 3.376895e+06 133.689213

142 rows × 3 columns

Alternatively, you can compute other statistical metrics.

12.2.2 Multiple aggregations and Custom aggregation using agg() Multiple aggregations

Directly applying the aggregate methods of the GroupBy object such as mean, count, etc., lets us apply only one function at a time. Also, we may wish to apply an aggregate function of our own, which is not there in the set of methods of the GroupBy object, such as the range of values of a column.

The agg() function of a GroupBy object lets us aggregate data using:

  1. Multiple aggregation functions

  2. Custom aggregate functions (in addition to in-built functions like mean, std, count etc.)

Consider the life expectancy dataset, Let us use the agg() method of the GroupBy object to simultaneously find the mean and standard deviation of the gdpPercap for each country.

For aggregating by multiple functions, we pass a list of strings to agg(), where the strings are the function names.

grouped_country['gdpPercap'].agg(['mean','std']).sort_values(by = 'mean',ascending = False).head()
mean std
Kuwait 65332.910472 33882.139536
Switzerland 27074.334405 6886.463308
Norway 26747.306554 13421.947245
United States 26261.151347 9695.058103
Canada 22410.746340 8210.112789 Custom aggregation

In addition to the mean and standard deviation of the gdpPercap of each country, let us also include the range of gdpPercap in the table above using lambda function

grouped_country['gdpPercap'].agg(lambda x: x.max() - x.min())
Afghanistan            342.670088
Albania               4335.973390
Algeria               3774.359280
Angola                3245.635491
Argentina             6868.064587
Vietnam               1836.509912
West Bank and Gaza    5595.075290
Yemen, Rep.           1499.052330
Zambia                 705.723500
Zimbabwe               392.478061
Name: gdpPercap, Length: 142, dtype: float64
# define a function that calculates the range
def range_func(x):
    return x.max() - x.min()
# apply the range function to the 'gdpPercap' column besides the mean and standard deviation
grouped_country['gdpPercap'].agg(['mean', 'std', range_func]).sort_values(by = 'range_func', ascending = False)
mean std range_func
Kuwait 65332.910472 33882.139536 85404.702920
Singapore 17425.382267 14926.147774 44828.041413
Norway 26747.306554 13421.947245 39261.768450
Hong Kong, China 16228.700865 12207.329731 36670.557461
Ireland 15758.606238 11573.311022 35465.716022
... ... ... ...
Rwanda 675.669043 142.229906 388.246772
Senegal 1533.121694 105.399353 344.572767
Afghanistan 802.674598 108.202929 342.670088
Ethiopia 509.115155 96.427627 328.659296
Burundi 471.662990 99.329720 292.403419

142 rows × 3 columns

For aggregating by multiple functions & changing the column names resulting from those functions, we pass a list of tuples to agg(), where each tuple is of length two, and contains the new column name & the function to be applied.

#Simultaneous renaming of columns while grouping
grouped_country['gdpPercap'].agg([('Average','mean'),('Standard Deviation','std'),('90th Percentile',lambda x:x.quantile(0.9))]).sort_values(by = '90th Percentile',ascending = False)
Average Standard Deviation 90th Percentile
Kuwait 65332.910472 33882.139536 109251.315590
Norway 26747.306554 13421.947245 44343.894158
United States 26261.151347 9695.058103 38764.132898
Singapore 17425.382267 14926.147774 35772.742520
Switzerland 27074.334405 6886.463308 34246.394240
... ... ... ...
Liberia 604.814141 98.988329 706.275527
Malawi 575.447212 122.999953 689.590541
Burundi 471.662990 99.329720 615.597260
Myanmar 439.333333 175.401531 592.300000
Ethiopia 509.115155 96.427627 577.448804

142 rows × 3 columns

12.2.3 Multiple aggregate functions on multiple columns

Let us find the mean and standard deviation of lifeExp and pop for each country

# find the meand and standard deviation of the 'lifeExp' and 'pop' column for each country
grouped_country[['lifeExp', 'pop']].agg(['mean', 'std']).sort_values(by = ('lifeExp', 'mean'), ascending = False)
lifeExp pop
mean std mean std
Iceland 76.511417 3.026593 2.269781e+05 4.854168e+04
Sweden 76.177000 3.003990 8.220029e+06 6.365660e+05
Norway 75.843000 2.423994 4.031441e+06 4.107955e+05
Netherlands 75.648500 2.486363 1.378680e+07 2.005631e+06
Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 6.384293e+06 8.582009e+05
... ... ... ... ...
Mozambique 40.379500 4.599184 1.204670e+07 4.457509e+06
Guinea-Bissau 39.210250 4.937369 8.820084e+05 3.132917e+05
Angola 37.883500 4.005276 7.309390e+06 2.672281e+06
Afghanistan 37.478833 5.098646 1.582372e+07 7.114583e+06
Sierra Leone 36.769167 3.937828 3.605425e+06 1.270945e+06

142 rows × 4 columns

12.2.4 Distinct aggregate functions on multiple columns

For aggregating by multiple functions, we pass a list of strings to agg(), where the strings are the function names.

For aggregating by multiple functions & changing the column names resulting from those functions, we pass a list of tuples to agg(), where each tuple is of length two, and contains the new column name as the first object and the function to be applied as the second object of the tuple.

For aggregating by multiple functions such that a distinct set of functions is applied to each column, we pass a dictionary to agg(), where the keys are the column names on which the function is to be applied, and the values are the list of strings that are the function names, or a list of tuples if we also wish to name the aggregated columns.

# We can use a list to apply multiple aggregation functions to a single column, and a dictionary to specify different functions for multiple columns
# Use string names for the aggregation functions
grouped_country.agg({"gdpPercap": ["mean", "std"], "lifeExp": ["median", "std"], "pop": ["max", "min"]})
gdpPercap lifeExp pop
mean std median std max min
Afghanistan 802.674598 108.202929 39.1460 5.098646 31889923 8425333
Albania 3255.366633 1192.351513 69.6750 6.322911 3600523 1282697
Algeria 4426.025973 1310.337656 59.6910 10.340069 33333216 9279525
Angola 3607.100529 1165.900251 39.6945 4.005276 12420476 4232095
Argentina 8955.553783 1862.583151 69.2115 4.186470 40301927 17876956
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Vietnam 1017.712615 567.482251 57.2900 12.172331 85262356 26246839
West Bank and Gaza 3759.996781 1716.840614 62.5855 11.000069 4018332 1030585
Yemen, Rep. 1569.274672 609.939160 46.6440 11.019302 22211743 4963829
Zambia 1358.199409 247.494984 46.0615 4.453246 11746035 2672000
Zimbabwe 635.858042 133.689213 53.1765 7.071816 12311143 3080907

142 rows × 6 columns

Next, for each country, find the mean and standard deviation of the lifeExp, and the minimum and maximum values of gdpPercap.

#Specifying arguments to the function as a dictionary if distinct functions are to be applied on distinct columns
grouped_country.agg({'lifeExp':[('Average','mean'),('Standard deviation','std')],'gdpPercap':['min','max']})
lifeExp gdpPercap
Average Standard deviation min max
Afghanistan 37.478833 5.098646 635.341351 978.011439
Albania 68.432917 6.322911 1601.056136 5937.029526
Algeria 59.030167 10.340069 2449.008185 6223.367465
Angola 37.883500 4.005276 2277.140884 5522.776375
Argentina 69.060417 4.186470 5911.315053 12779.379640
... ... ... ... ...
Vietnam 57.479500 12.172331 605.066492 2441.576404
West Bank and Gaza 60.328667 11.000069 1515.592329 7110.667619
Yemen, Rep. 46.780417 11.019302 781.717576 2280.769906
Zambia 45.996333 4.453246 1071.353818 1777.077318
Zimbabwe 52.663167 7.071816 406.884115 799.362176

142 rows × 4 columns

12.3 Grouping by Multiple Columns

Above, we demonstrated grouping by a single column, which is useful for summarizing data based on one categorical variable. However, in many cases, we need to group by multiple columns. Grouping by multiple columns allows us to create more detailed summaries by accounting for multiple categorical variables. This approach enables us to analyze data at a finer granularity, revealing insights that might be missed with single-column grouping alone.

12.3.1 Basic Syntax for Grouping by Multiple Columns

Use groupby() with a list of column names to group data by multiple columns.

  • DataFrame.groupby(by=["col1", "col2"])

Consider the life expectancy dataset, we can group by both country and continent to analyze gdpPercap, lifeExp, and pop trends for each country within each continent, providing a more comprehensive view of the data.

#Grouping by multiple columns
grouped_continent_contry = gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby(['continent', 'country'])[ "lifeExp"].agg(['mean', 'std', 'max', 'min']).sort_values(by = 'mean', ascending = False)
mean std max min
continent country
Europe Iceland 76.511417 3.026593 81.757 72.490
Sweden 76.177000 3.003990 80.884 71.860
Norway 75.843000 2.423994 80.196 72.670
Netherlands 75.648500 2.486363 79.762 72.130
Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 81.701 69.620
... ... ... ... ... ...
Africa Mozambique 40.379500 4.599184 46.344 31.286
Guinea-Bissau 39.210250 4.937369 46.388 32.500
Angola 37.883500 4.005276 42.731 30.015
Asia Afghanistan 37.478833 5.098646 43.828 28.801
Africa Sierra Leone 36.769167 3.937828 42.568 30.331

142 rows × 4 columns

12.3.2 Understanding Hierarchical (Multi-Level) Indexing

  • Grouping by multiple columns creates a hierarchical index (also called a multi-level index).
  • This index allows each level (e.g., continent, country) to act as an independent category that can be accessed individually.

In the above output, continent and country form a two-level hierarchical index, allowing us to drill down from continent-level to country-level summaries.

# get the first level of the index
Index(['Africa', 'Americas', 'Asia', 'Europe', 'Oceania'], dtype='object', name='continent')
# get the second level of the index
Index(['Afghanistan', 'Albania', 'Algeria', 'Angola', 'Argentina', 'Australia',
       'Austria', 'Bahrain', 'Bangladesh', 'Belgium',
       'Uganda', 'United Kingdom', 'United States', 'Uruguay', 'Venezuela',
       'Vietnam', 'West Bank and Gaza', 'Yemen, Rep.', 'Zambia', 'Zimbabwe'],
      dtype='object', name='country', length=142)

12.3.3 Subsetting Data in a Hierarchical Index

grouped_continent_country is still a DataFrame with hierarchical indexing. You can use .loc[] for subsetting, just as you would with a single-level index.

# get the observations for the 'Americas' continent
mean std max min
Canada 74.902750 3.952871 80.653 68.750
United States 73.478500 3.343781 78.242 68.440
Puerto Rico 72.739333 3.984267 78.746 64.280
Cuba 71.045083 6.022798 78.273 59.421
Uruguay 70.781583 3.342937 76.384 66.071
# get the mean life expectancy for the 'Americas' continent
Canada           74.902750
United States    73.478500
Puerto Rico      72.739333
Cuba             71.045083
Uruguay          70.781583
Name: mean, dtype: float64
# another way to get the mean life expectancy for the 'Americas' continent
grouped_continent_contry.loc['Americas', 'mean'].head()
Canada           74.902750
United States    73.478500
Puerto Rico      72.739333
Cuba             71.045083
Uruguay          70.781583
Name: mean, dtype: float64

You can use a tuple to access data for specific levels in a multi-level index.

# get the observations for the 'United States' country
grouped_continent_contry.loc[( 'Americas', 'United States')]
mean    73.478500
std      3.343781
max     78.242000
min     68.440000
Name: (Americas, United States), dtype: float64
grouped_continent_contry.loc[( 'Americas', 'United States'), ['mean', 'std']]
mean    73.478500
std      3.343781
Name: (Americas, United States), dtype: float64
Index(['country', 'continent', 'year', 'lifeExp', 'pop', 'gdpPercap'], dtype='object')

Finally, you can use reset_index() to convert the hierarchical index into a regular index, allowing you to apply the standard subsetting and filtering methods covered in previous chapters

continent country mean std max min
0 Europe Iceland 76.511417 3.026593 81.757 72.49
1 Europe Sweden 76.177000 3.003990 80.884 71.86
2 Europe Norway 75.843000 2.423994 80.196 72.67
3 Europe Netherlands 75.648500 2.486363 79.762 72.13
4 Europe Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 81.701 69.62

12.3.4 Grouping by multiple columns and aggregating multiple variables

#Grouping by multiple columns
grouped_continent_contry_multi = gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby(['continent', 'country','year'])[ ['lifeExp', 'pop', 'gdpPercap']].agg(['mean', 'max', 'min'])
lifeExp pop gdpPercap
mean max min mean max min mean max min
continent country year
Africa Algeria 1952 43.077 43.077 43.077 9279525.0 9279525 9279525 2449.008185 2449.008185 2449.008185
1957 45.685 45.685 45.685 10270856.0 10270856 10270856 3013.976023 3013.976023 3013.976023
1962 48.303 48.303 48.303 11000948.0 11000948 11000948 2550.816880 2550.816880 2550.816880
1967 51.407 51.407 51.407 12760499.0 12760499 12760499 3246.991771 3246.991771 3246.991771
1972 54.518 54.518 54.518 14760787.0 14760787 14760787 4182.663766 4182.663766 4182.663766
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Oceania New Zealand 1987 74.320 74.320 74.320 3317166.0 3317166 3317166 19007.191290 19007.191290 19007.191290
1992 76.330 76.330 76.330 3437674.0 3437674 3437674 18363.324940 18363.324940 18363.324940
1997 77.550 77.550 77.550 3676187.0 3676187 3676187 21050.413770 21050.413770 21050.413770
2002 79.110 79.110 79.110 3908037.0 3908037 3908037 23189.801350 23189.801350 23189.801350
2007 80.204 80.204 80.204 4115771.0 4115771 4115771 25185.009110 25185.009110 25185.009110

1704 rows × 9 columns

Breaking Down Grouping and Aggregation

  • Grouping by Multiple Columns:
    In this example, we are grouping the data by three columns: continent, country, and year. This creates groups based on unique combinations of these columns.

  • Aggregating Multiple Variables:
    We apply multiple aggregation functions (mean, std, max, and min) to multiple variables (lifeExp, pop, and gdpPercap).

This type of operation is commonly referred to as “multi-column grouping with multiple aggregations” in pandas. It’s a powerful approach because it allows us to obtain a detailed statistical summary for each combination of grouping columns across several variables.

# its columns are also two levels deep
# pass a tuple to the loc() method to access the values of the multi-level columns with a multi-level index
grouped_continent_contry_multi.loc[('Americas','United States'), ('lifeExp', 'mean')]
1952    68.440
1957    69.490
1962    70.210
1967    70.760
1972    71.340
1977    73.380
1982    74.650
1987    75.020
1992    76.090
1997    76.810
2002    77.310
2007    78.242
Name: (lifeExp, mean), dtype: float64

12.4 Advanced Operations within groups: apply(), transform(), and filter()

12.4.1 Using apply() on groups

The apply() function applies a custom function to each group, allowing for flexible operations. The function can return either a scalar, Series, or DataFrame.

Example: Consider the life expectancy dataset, find the top 3 life expectancy values for each continent

We’ll first define a function that sorts a dataset by decreasing life expectancy and returns the top 3 rows. Then, we’ll apply this function on each group using the apply() method of the GroupBy object.

# Define a function to get the top 3 rows based on life expectancy for each group
def top_3_life_expectancy(group):
    return group.nlargest(3, 'lifeExp')
#Defining the groups in the data
grouped_gdpcapital_data = gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby('continent')

Now we’ll use the apply() method to apply the top_3_life_expectancy() function on each group of the object grouped_gdpcapital_data.

# Apply the function to each continent group
top_life_expectancy = gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby('continent')[['continent', 'country', 'year', 'lifeExp', 'gdpPercap']].apply(top_3_life_expectancy).reset_index(drop=True)

# Display the result
continent country year lifeExp gdpPercap
0 Africa Reunion 2007 76.442 7670.122558
1 Africa Reunion 2002 75.744 6316.165200
2 Africa Reunion 1997 74.772 6071.941411
3 Americas Canada 2007 80.653 36319.235010
4 Americas Canada 2002 79.770 33328.965070

The top_3_life_expectancy() function is applied to each group, and the results are concatenated internally with the concat() function. The output therefore has a hierarchical index whose outer level indices are the group keys.

We can also use a lambda function instead of separately defining the function top_3_life_expectancy():

# Use a lambda function to get the top 3 life expectancy values for each continent
top_life_expectancy = (
    .groupby('continent')[['continent', 'country', 'year', 'lifeExp', 'gdpPercap']]  # Avoid adding group labels in the index
    .apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(3, 'lifeExp'))

# Display the result
continent country year lifeExp gdpPercap
0 Africa Reunion 2007 76.442 7670.122558
1 Africa Reunion 2002 75.744 6316.165200
2 Africa Reunion 1997 74.772 6071.941411
3 Americas Canada 2007 80.653 36319.235010
4 Americas Canada 2002 79.770 33328.965070

12.4.2 Using transform() on Groups

The transform() function applies a function to each group and returns a Series aligned with the original DataFrame’s index. This makes it suitable for adding or modifying columns based on group-level calculations.

Recall that in the data cleaning and preparation chapter, we imputed missing values based on correlated variables in the dataset.

In the example provided, some countries had missing values for GDP per capita. To handle this, we imputed the missing GDP per capita for each country using the average GDP per capita of its corresponding continent.

Now, we’ll explore an alternative approach using groupby() and transform() to perform this imputation.

Let us read the datasets and the function that makes a visualization to compare the imputed values with the actual values.

#Importing data with missing values
gdp_missing_data = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/GDP_missing_data.csv')

#Importing data with all values
gdp_complete_data = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/GDP_complete_data.csv')
#Index of rows with missing values for GDP per capita
null_ind_gdpPC = gdp_missing_data.index[gdp_missing_data.gdpPerCapita.isnull()]

#Defining a function to plot the imputed values vs actual values 
def plot_actual_vs_predicted():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
    plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=15) 
    plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=15) 
    x = gdp_complete_data.loc[null_ind_gdpPC,'gdpPerCapita']
    y = gdp_imputed_data.loc[null_ind_gdpPC,'gdpPerCapita']
    plt.xlabel('Actual GDP per capita',fontsize=20)
    plt.ylabel('Imputed GDP per capita',fontsize=20)
    rmse = np.sqrt(((x-y).pow(2)).mean())

Approach 1: Using the approach we used in the previous chapter

#Finding the mean GDP per capita of the continent
avg_gdpPerCapita = gdp_missing_data['gdpPerCapita'].groupby(gdp_missing_data['continent']).mean()

#Creating a copy of missing data to impute missing values
gdp_imputed_data = gdp_missing_data.copy()

#Replacing missing GDP per capita with the mean GDP per capita for the corresponding continent
for cont in avg_gdpPerCapita.index:
    gdp_imputed_data.loc[(gdp_imputed_data.continent==cont) & (gdp_imputed_data.gdpPerCapita.isnull()),
RMSE= 25473.20645170116

Approach 2: Using the groupby() and transform() methods.

The transform() function is a powerful tool for filling missing values in grouped data. It allows us to apply a function across each group and align the result back to the original DataFrame, making it perfect for filling missing values based on group statistics.

In this example, we use transform() to impute missing values in the gdpPerCapita column by filling them with the mean gdpPerCapita of each continent:

#Creating a copy of missing data to impute missing values
gdp_imputed_data = gdp_missing_data.copy()

#Grouping data by continent
grouped = gdp_missing_data.groupby('continent')

#Imputing missing values with the mean GDP per capita of the continent
gdp_imputed_data['gdpPerCapita'] = grouped['gdpPerCapita'].transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))

RMSE= 25473.20645170116

Using the transform() function, missing values in gdpPerCapita for each group are filled with the group’s mean gdpPerCapita. This approach is not only more convenient to write but also faster compared to using for loops. While a for loop imputes missing values one group at a time, transform() performs built-in operations (like mean, sum, etc.) in a way that is optimized internally, making it more efficient.

Let’s use apply() instead of transform() with groupby()

#Creating a copy of missing data to impute missing values
gdp_imputed_data = gdp_missing_data.copy()

#Grouping data by continent
grouped = gdp_missing_data.groupby('continent')

#Applying the lambda function on the 'gdpPerCapita' column of the groups
gdp_imputed_data['gdpPerCapita'] = grouped['gdpPerCapita'].apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))

TypeError: incompatible index of inserted column with frame index

Why we ran into this error? and apply() doesn’t work?

Here’s a deeper look at why apply() doesn’t work as expected here: Behavior of groupby().apply() vs. groupby().transform()

  • groupby().apply(): This method applies a function to each group and returns the result with a hierarchical (multi-level) index by default. This hierarchical index can make it difficult to align the result back to a single column in the original DataFrame.

  • groupby().transform(): In contrast, transform() is specifically designed to apply a function to each group and return a Series that is aligned with the original DataFrame’s index. This alignment makes it directly compatible for assignment to a new or existing column in the original DataFrame. Why transform() Works for Imputation

When using transform() to fill missing values, it applies the function (e.g., fillna(x.mean())) based on each group’s statistics, such as the mean, while keeping the result aligned with the original DataFrame’s index. This allows for smooth assignment to a column in the DataFrame without any index mismatch issues.

Additionally, transform() applies the function to each element in a group independently and returns a result that has the same shape as the original data, making it ideal for adding or modifying columns.

12.4.3 Using filter() on Groups

The filter() function filters entire groups based on a condition. It evaluates each group and keeps only those that meet the specified criteria.

Example: Keep only the countries where the mean life expectancy is greater than 70

# keep only the continent where the mean life expectancy is greater than 74
gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby('continent').filter(lambda x: x['lifeExp'].mean() > 74)['continent'].unique()
array(['Oceania'], dtype=object)
# keep only the country where the mean life expectancy is greater than 74
gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby('country').filter(lambda x: x['lifeExp'].mean() > 74)['country'].unique()
array(['Australia', 'Canada', 'Denmark', 'France', 'Iceland', 'Italy',
       'Japan', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland'],

Using .nunique() get the number of countries that satisfy this condition

gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby('country').filter(lambda x: x['lifeExp'].mean() > 74)['country'].nunique()

12.5 Sampling data by group

If a dataset contains a large number of observations, operating on it can be computationally expensive. Instead, working on a sample of entire observations is a more efficient alterative. The groupby() method combined with apply() can be used for stratified random sampling from a large dataset.

Before taking the random sample, let us find the number of countries in each continent.

Africa      624
Asia        396
Europe      360
Americas    300
Oceania      24
Name: count, dtype: int64

Let us take a random sample of 650 observations from the entire dataset.

sample_lifeExp_data = gdp_lifeExp_data.sample(650)

Now, let us see the number of countries of each continent in our sample.

Africa      241
Asia        149
Europe      142
Americas    109
Oceania       9
Name: count, dtype: int64

Some of the continent have a very low representation in the data. To rectify this, we can take a random sample of 130 observations from each of the 5 continents. In other words, we can take a random sample from each of the continent-based groups.

evenly_sampled_lifeExp_data = gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby('continent').apply(lambda x:x.sample(130, replace=True), include_groups=False)

group_sizes = evenly_sampled_lifeExp_data.groupby(level=0).size()
Africa      130
Americas    130
Asia        130
Europe      130
Oceania     130
dtype: int64

The above stratified random sample equally represents all the continent.

12.6 corr(): Correlation by group

The corr() method of the GroupBy object returns the correlation between all pairs of columns within each group.

Example: Find the correlation between lifeExp and gdpPercap for each continent-country level combination.

gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby(['continent','country']).apply(lambda x:x['lifeExp'].corr(x['gdpPercap']), include_groups=False)
continent  country       
Africa     Algeria           0.904471
           Angola           -0.301079
           Benin             0.843949
           Botswana          0.005597
           Burkina Faso      0.881677
Europe     Switzerland       0.980715
           Turkey            0.954455
           United Kingdom    0.989893
Oceania    Australia         0.986446
           New Zealand       0.974493
Length: 142, dtype: float64

Life expectancy is closely associated with GDP per capita across most continent-country combinations.

12.7 pivot_table()

The pivot_table() function in pandas is a powerful tool for performing groupwise aggregation in a structured format, similar to Excel’s pivot tables. It allows you to create a summary of data by grouping and aggregating it based on specified columns. Here’s an overview of how pivot_table() works for groupwise aggregation:

Note that pivot_table() is the same as pivot() except that pivot_table() aggregates the data as well in addition to re-arranging it.

Example: Consider the life expectancy dataset, calculate the average life expectancy for each country and year combination

pd.pivot_table(data = gdp_lifeExp_data, values = 'lifeExp',index = 'country', columns ='year',aggfunc = 'mean',margins = True)
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 All
Afghanistan 28.80100 30.332000 31.997000 34.02000 36.088000 38.438000 39.854000 40.822000 41.674000 41.763000 42.129000 43.828000 37.478833
Albania 55.23000 59.280000 64.820000 66.22000 67.690000 68.930000 70.420000 72.000000 71.581000 72.950000 75.651000 76.423000 68.432917
Algeria 43.07700 45.685000 48.303000 51.40700 54.518000 58.014000 61.368000 65.799000 67.744000 69.152000 70.994000 72.301000 59.030167
Angola 30.01500 31.999000 34.000000 35.98500 37.928000 39.483000 39.942000 39.906000 40.647000 40.963000 41.003000 42.731000 37.883500
Argentina 62.48500 64.399000 65.142000 65.63400 67.065000 68.481000 69.942000 70.774000 71.868000 73.275000 74.340000 75.320000 69.060417
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
West Bank and Gaza 43.16000 45.671000 48.127000 51.63100 56.532000 60.765000 64.406000 67.046000 69.718000 71.096000 72.370000 73.422000 60.328667
Yemen, Rep. 32.54800 33.970000 35.180000 36.98400 39.848000 44.175000 49.113000 52.922000 55.599000 58.020000 60.308000 62.698000 46.780417
Zambia 42.03800 44.077000 46.023000 47.76800 50.107000 51.386000 51.821000 50.821000 46.100000 40.238000 39.193000 42.384000 45.996333
Zimbabwe 48.45100 50.469000 52.358000 53.99500 55.635000 57.674000 60.363000 62.351000 60.377000 46.809000 39.989000 43.487000 52.663167
All 49.05762 51.507401 53.609249 55.67829 57.647386 59.570157 61.533197 63.212613 64.160338 65.014676 65.694923 67.007423 59.474439

143 rows × 13 columns


  • values: Specifies the column to aggregate (e.g., lifeExp in our example).
  • index: Groups by the rows based on the country column.
  • columns: Groups by the columns based on the year column.
  • aggfunc: Uses mean to calculate the average life expectancy.

Common Aggregation Functions in pivot_table()

You can use various aggregation functions within pivot_table() to summarize data:

  • mean – Calculates the average of values within each group.
  • sum – Computes the total of values within each group.
  • count – Counts the number of non-null entries within each group.
  • min and max – Finds the minimum and maximum values within each group.

We can also use custom GroupBy aggregate functions with pivot_table().

Example: Find the \(90^{th}\) percentile of life expectancy for each country and year combination

pd.pivot_table(data = gdp_lifeExp_data, values = 'lifeExp',index = 'country', columns ='year',aggfunc = lambda x:np.percentile(x,90))
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
Afghanistan 28.801 30.332 31.997 34.020 36.088 38.438 39.854 40.822 41.674 41.763 42.129 43.828
Albania 55.230 59.280 64.820 66.220 67.690 68.930 70.420 72.000 71.581 72.950 75.651 76.423
Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Argentina 62.485 64.399 65.142 65.634 67.065 68.481 69.942 70.774 71.868 73.275 74.340 75.320
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Vietnam 40.412 42.887 45.363 47.838 50.254 55.764 58.816 62.820 67.662 70.672 73.017 74.249
West Bank and Gaza 43.160 45.671 48.127 51.631 56.532 60.765 64.406 67.046 69.718 71.096 72.370 73.422
Yemen, Rep. 32.548 33.970 35.180 36.984 39.848 44.175 49.113 52.922 55.599 58.020 60.308 62.698
Zambia 42.038 44.077 46.023 47.768 50.107 51.386 51.821 50.821 46.100 40.238 39.193 42.384
Zimbabwe 48.451 50.469 52.358 53.995 55.635 57.674 60.363 62.351 60.377 46.809 39.989 43.487

142 rows × 12 columns

12.8 crosstab()

12.8.1 Basic Usage of crosstab()

The crosstab() method is a special case of a pivot table for computing group frequncies (or size of each group).

# create a basic crosstab to see counts of countries in each continent
pd.crosstab(gdp_lifeExp_data['continent'], columns='count')
col_0 count
Africa 624
Americas 300
Asia 396
Europe 360
Oceania 24

Use the margins=True argument to add totals (row and column margins) to the table. The All row and column provide totals for each age group and gender category.

# create a crosstab to see counts of countries in each continent and year
pd.crosstab(gdp_lifeExp_data['continent'], gdp_lifeExp_data['year'], margins=True)
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 All
Africa 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 624
Americas 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300
Asia 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 396
Europe 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 360
Oceania 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24
All 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 1704

This table shows the count of each year in each continent group, helping us understand the year distribution across different continent groups. We may often use it to check if the data is representative of all groups that are of interest to us.

12.8.2 Using crosstab() with Aggregation Functions

You can specify a values column and an aggregation function (aggfunc) to summarize numerical data for each combination of categorical variables.

Example: find the mean life expectancy for each continent and year

# find the mean life expectancy for each country in each continent and year
pd.crosstab(gdp_lifeExp_data['continent'], gdp_lifeExp_data['year'], values=gdp_lifeExp_data['lifeExp'], aggfunc='mean')
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
Africa 39.135500 41.266346 43.319442 45.334538 47.450942 49.580423 51.592865 53.344788 53.629577 53.598269 53.325231 54.806038
Americas 53.279840 55.960280 58.398760 60.410920 62.394920 64.391560 66.228840 68.090720 69.568360 71.150480 72.422040 73.608120
Asia 46.314394 49.318544 51.563223 54.663640 57.319269 59.610556 62.617939 64.851182 66.537212 68.020515 69.233879 70.728485
Europe 64.408500 66.703067 68.539233 69.737600 70.775033 71.937767 72.806400 73.642167 74.440100 75.505167 76.700600 77.648600
Oceania 69.255000 70.295000 71.085000 71.310000 71.910000 72.855000 74.290000 75.320000 76.945000 78.190000 79.740000 80.719500

12.9 Independent Study

12.9.1 Practice exercise 1

Read the table consisting of GDP per capita of countries from the webpage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita .

To only read the relevant table, read the tables that contain the word ‘Country’.

Estimate the GDP per capita of each country as the average of the estimates of the three agencies - IMF, United Nations and World Bank.

We need to do a bit of data cleaning before we could directly use the groupby() function. Follow the steps below:

  1. Drop the “Year” column
  2. Drop the level 1 column name (innermost level column)
  3. Apply the following function on all the columns of the “Estimate” to convert them to numeric: f = lambda x:pd.to_numeric(x,errors = 'coerce')
  4. Set the Country/Territory column as the index
  5. Convert all other columns into numeric and coerce errors using ‘errors=’coerce’`
  6. Drop rows with NaN values
  7. Find the average GDP per capital across the three agencies
dfs = pd.read_html('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita', match = 'Country')
gdp_data  = dfs[0]
Country/Territory IMF[4][5] World Bank[6] United Nations[7]
Country/Territory Estimate Year Estimate Year Estimate Year
0 Monaco 240862 2022 240535 2022
1 Liechtenstein 187267 2022 197268 2022
2 Luxembourg 135321 2024 128259 2023 125897 2022
3 Bermuda 123091 2022 117568 2022
4 Switzerland 106098 2024 99995 2023 93636 2022
# Flatten the MultiIndex to access column names
gdp_data.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() if isinstance(col, tuple) else col for col in gdp_data.columns]

# Drop all columns containing "Year"
gdp_data = gdp_data.loc[:, ~gdp_data.columns.str.contains('Year', case=False)]

gdp_data = gdp_data.rename(columns={"Country/Territory Country/Territory": "Country/Territory"})

Country/Territory IMF World Bank United Nations
0 Monaco 240862 240535
1 Liechtenstein 187267 197268
2 Luxembourg 135321 128259 125897
3 Bermuda 123091 117568
4 Switzerland 106098 99995 93636
import re
column_name_cleaner = lambda x:re.split(r'\[', x)[0]

gdp_data.columns = gdp_data.columns.map(column_name_cleaner)
Country/Territory IMF World Bank United Nations
0 Monaco 240862 240535
1 Liechtenstein 187267 197268
2 Luxembourg 135321 128259 125897
3 Bermuda 123091 117568
4 Switzerland 106098 99995 93636
# set the country column as the index
gdp_data.set_index('Country/Territory', inplace=True)

# convert all other columns into numeric and coerce errors
gdp_data = gdp_data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

# drop rows with NaN values

#find the average GDP per capita
gdp_data['Average GDP per capita'] = gdp_data.mean(axis=1)
IMF World Bank United Nations Average GDP per capita
Luxembourg 135321.0 128259.0 125897.0 129825.666667
Switzerland 106098.0 99995.0 93636.0 99909.666667
Ireland 103500.0 103685.0 105993.0 104392.666667
Norway 90434.0 87962.0 106623.0 95006.333333
Singapore 89370.0 84734.0 78115.0 84073.000000

12.9.2 Practice exercise 2

Read the spotify dataset from spotify_data.csv that contains information about tracks and artists

Find the mean and standard deviation of the track popularity for each genre.

Create a new categorical column, energy_lvl, with two levels – ‘Low energy’ and ‘High energy’ – using equal-sized bins based on the track’s energy level. Then, calculate the mean, standard deviation, and 90th percentile of track popularity for each genre and energy level combination

Find the mean and standard deviation of track popularity and danceability for each genre and energy level. What insights you can gain from the generated table

For each genre and energy level, find the mean and standard deviation of the track popularity, and the minimum and maximum values of loudness.

Find the most popular artist from each genre.

Filter the first 4 columns of the spotify dataset. Drop duplicate observartions in the resulting dataset using the Pandas DataFrame method drop_duplicates(). Find the top 3 most popular artists for each genre.

The spotify dataset has more than 200k observations. It may be expensive to operate with so many observations. Take a random sample of 650 observations to analyze spotify data, such that all genres are equally represented.

Find the correlation between danceability and track popularity for each genre-energy level combination.

Find the mean of track popularity for each genre-energy lvl combination such that each row corresponds to a genre, and the energy levels correspond to columns.

Hints: using pivot_table()

Find the \(90^{th}\) percentile of track popularity for each genre-energy lvl combination such that each row corresponds to a genre, and the energy levels correspond to columns.

Hints: using pivot_table()

Find the number of observations in each group, where each groups corresponds to a distinct genre-energy lvl combination

Find the percentage of observations in each group of the above table.

What percentage of unique tracks are contributed by the top 5 artists of each genre?

Hint: Find the top 5 artists based on artist_popularity for each genre. Count the total number of unique tracks (track_name) contributed by these artists. Divide this number by the total number of unique tracks in the data. The nunique() function will be useful.