13  Data Reshaping and Enrichment

In this chapter, we will explore how to reshape and enrich data using pandas. Data reshaping and enriching are essential steps in data preprocessing because they help transform raw data into a more structured, useful, and meaningful format that can be effectively used for analysis or modeling.

13.1 Data Reshaping

Data reshaping involves altering the structure of the data to suit the requirements of the analysis or modeling process. This is often needed when the data is in a format that is difficult to analyze or when it needs to be organized in a specific way.

13.1.1 Why Data Reshaping is Important:

  • Improves Data Organization: Raw data may be in a long format, where each observation is recorded on a separate row, or it may be in a wide format, where the same variable is spread across multiple columns. Reshaping allows you to reorganize the data into a format that is more suitable for analysis, such as turning multiple columns into a single column (melting) or aggregating rows into summary statistics (pivoting).

  • Facilitates Analysis: Some analysis techniques require specific data formats. For example, many machine learning algorithms require data in a matrix form, where each row represents a sample and each column represents a feature. Reshaping helps to convert data into this format.

  • Simplifies Visualization: Visualizing data is easier when it is in the right shape. For instance, plotting categorical data across time is easier when the data is in a tidy format, rather than having multiple variables spread across columns.

  • Efficient Grouping and Aggregation: In some cases, you may want to group data by certain categories or time periods, and reshaping can help aggregate data effectively for summarization.

13.1.2 Wide vs. Long Data Format in Data Reshaping

  • Wide Format: Each variable in its own column; each row represents a unit, and data for multiple variables is spread across columns.
  • Long Format: Variables are stacked into one column per variable, with additional columns used to indicate time, categories, or other distinctions, leading to a greater number of rows.

To reshape between these two formats, you can use pandas functions such as pivot_table(), melt(), stack(), and unstack(). Let’s next take a look at each of these methods one by one.

Throughout this section, we will continue using the gdp_lifeExpectancy.csv dataset. Let’s start by reading the CSV file into a pandas DataFrame.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline
# Load the data
gdp_lifeExp_data = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/gdp_lifeExpectancy.csv')
country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106

13.1.3 Pivoting “long” to “wide” using pivot_table()

In the last chapter, we learned that pivot_table() is a powerful tool for performing groupwise aggregation in a structured format. The pivot_table() function is used to reshape data by specifying columns for the index, columns, and values. Pivoting a single column

Consider the life expectancy dataset. Let’s calculate the average life expectancy for each combination of country and year.

gdp_lifeExp_data_pivot = gdp_lifeExp_data.pivot_table(index=['continent','country'], columns='year', values='lifeExp', aggfunc='mean')
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
continent country
Africa Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Benin 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 54.406 56.728
Botswana 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 46.634 50.728
Burkina Faso 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 50.650 52.295


  • values: Specifies the column to aggregate (e.g., lifeExp in our example).
  • index: Groups by the rows based on the continent and country column.
  • columns: Groups by the columns based on the year column.
  • aggfunc: Uses mean to calculate the average life expectancy.

With values of year as columns, it is easy to compare any metric for different years.

#visualizing the change in life expectancy of all countries in 2007 as compared to that in 1957, i.e., the overall change in life expectancy in 50 years. 
sns.scatterplot(data = gdp_lifeExp_data_pivot, x = 1957,y=2007,hue = 'continent')
sns.lineplot(data = gdp_lifeExp_data_pivot, x = 1957,y = 1957);

Observe that for some African countries, the life expectancy has decreased after 50 years. It is worth investigating these countries to identify factors associated with the decrease.

Another way to visualize a pivot table is by using a heatmap, which represents the 2D table as a matrix of colors, making it easier to interpret patterns and trends.

# Plotting a heatmap to visualize the life expectancy of all countries in all years, figure size is set to 15x10
plt.title("Life expectancy of all countries in all years")

Common Aggregation Functions in pivot_table()

You can use various aggregation functions within pivot_table() to summarize data:

  • mean – Calculates the average of values within each group.
  • sum – Computes the total of values within each group.
  • count – Counts the number of non-null entries within each group.
  • min and max – Finds the minimum and maximum values within each group.

We can also define our own custom aggregation function and pass it to the aggfunc parameter of the pivot_table() function

For Example: Find the \(90^{th}\) percentile of life expectancy for each country and year combination

pd.pivot_table(data = gdp_lifeExp_data, values = 'lifeExp',index = 'country', columns ='year',aggfunc = lambda x:np.percentile(x,90))
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
Afghanistan 28.801 30.332 31.997 34.020 36.088 38.438 39.854 40.822 41.674 41.763 42.129 43.828
Albania 55.230 59.280 64.820 66.220 67.690 68.930 70.420 72.000 71.581 72.950 75.651 76.423
Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Argentina 62.485 64.399 65.142 65.634 67.065 68.481 69.942 70.774 71.868 73.275 74.340 75.320
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Vietnam 40.412 42.887 45.363 47.838 50.254 55.764 58.816 62.820 67.662 70.672 73.017 74.249
West Bank and Gaza 43.160 45.671 48.127 51.631 56.532 60.765 64.406 67.046 69.718 71.096 72.370 73.422
Yemen, Rep. 32.548 33.970 35.180 36.984 39.848 44.175 49.113 52.922 55.599 58.020 60.308 62.698
Zambia 42.038 44.077 46.023 47.768 50.107 51.386 51.821 50.821 46.100 40.238 39.193 42.384
Zimbabwe 48.451 50.469 52.358 53.995 55.635 57.674 60.363 62.351 60.377 46.809 39.989 43.487

142 rows × 12 columns

13.1.4 Melting “wide” to “long” using melt()

Melting is the inverse of pivoting. It transforms columns into rows. The melt() function is used when you want to unpivot a DataFrame, turning multiple columns into rows.

Let’s first consider gdp_lifeExp_data_pivot created in the previous section

year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
continent country
Africa Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Benin 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 54.406 56.728
Botswana 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 46.634 50.728
Burkina Faso 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 50.650 52.295
gdp_lifeExp_data_pivot.melt(value_name='lifeExp', var_name='year', ignore_index=False)
year lifeExp
continent country
Africa Algeria 1952 43.077
Angola 1952 30.015
Benin 1952 38.223
Botswana 1952 47.622
Burkina Faso 1952 31.975
... ... ... ...
Europe Switzerland 2007 81.701
Turkey 2007 71.777
United Kingdom 2007 79.425
Oceania Australia 2007 81.235
New Zealand 2007 80.204

1704 rows × 2 columns

With the above DataFrame, we can visualize the mean life expectancy against year separately for each country in each continent.

13.1.5 Stacking and Unstacking using stack() and unstack()

Stacking and unstacking are powerful techniques used to reshape DataFrames by moving data between rows and columns. These operations are particularly useful when working with multi-level index or multi-level columns, where the data is structured in a hierarchical format.

  • stack(): Converts columns into rows, which means it “stacks” the data into a long format.
  • unstack(): Converts rows into columns, reversing the effect of stack().

Let’s use the GDP per capita dataset and create a DataFrame with a multi-level index (e.g., continent, country) and multi-level columns (e.g., lifeExp , gdpPercap, and pop).

# calculate the average and standard deviation of life expectancy, population, and GDP per capita for countries across the years.

gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data = gdp_lifeExp_data.groupby(['continent', 'country'])[['lifeExp', 'pop', 'gdpPercap']].agg(['mean', 'std'])
lifeExp pop gdpPercap
mean std mean std mean std
continent country
Africa Algeria 59.030167 10.340069 1.987541e+07 8.613355e+06 4426.025973 1310.337656
Angola 37.883500 4.005276 7.309390e+06 2.672281e+06 3607.100529 1165.900251
Benin 48.779917 6.128681 4.017497e+06 2.105002e+06 1155.395107 159.741306
Botswana 54.597500 5.929476 9.711862e+05 4.710965e+05 5031.503557 4178.136987
Burkina Faso 44.694000 6.845792 7.548677e+06 3.247808e+06 843.990665 183.430087
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Europe Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 6.384293e+06 8.582009e+05 27074.334405 6886.463308
Turkey 59.696417 9.030591 4.590901e+07 1.667768e+07 4469.453380 2049.665102
United Kingdom 73.922583 3.378943 5.608780e+07 3.174339e+06 19380.472986 7388.189399
Oceania Australia 74.662917 4.147774 1.464931e+07 3.915203e+06 19980.595634 7815.405220
New Zealand 73.989500 3.559724 3.100032e+06 6.547108e+05 17262.622813 4409.009167

142 rows × 6 columns

The resulting DataFrame has two levels of index and two levels of columns, as shown below:

# check the level of row and column index

if you want to see the data along with the index and columns (in a more accessible way), you can directly print the .index and .columns attributes.

MultiIndex([( 'Africa',                  'Algeria'),
            ( 'Africa',                   'Angola'),
            ( 'Africa',                    'Benin'),
            ( 'Africa',                 'Botswana'),
            ( 'Africa',             'Burkina Faso'),
            ( 'Africa',                  'Burundi'),
            ( 'Africa',                 'Cameroon'),
            ( 'Africa', 'Central African Republic'),
            ( 'Africa',                     'Chad'),
            ( 'Africa',                  'Comoros'),
            ( 'Europe',                   'Serbia'),
            ( 'Europe',          'Slovak Republic'),
            ( 'Europe',                 'Slovenia'),
            ( 'Europe',                    'Spain'),
            ( 'Europe',                   'Sweden'),
            ( 'Europe',              'Switzerland'),
            ( 'Europe',                   'Turkey'),
            ( 'Europe',           'United Kingdom'),
            ('Oceania',                'Australia'),
            ('Oceania',              'New Zealand')],
           names=['continent', 'country'], length=142)
MultiIndex([(  'lifeExp', 'mean'),
            (  'lifeExp',  'std'),
            (      'pop', 'mean'),
            (      'pop',  'std'),
            ('gdpPercap', 'mean'),
            ('gdpPercap',  'std')],

As seen, the index and columns each contain tuples. This is the reason that when performing data subsetting on a DataFrame with multi-level index and columns, you need to supply a tuple to specify the exact location of the data.

gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data.loc[('Americas', 'United States'), ('lifeExp', 'mean')]
array([('lifeExp', 'mean'), ('lifeExp', 'std'), ('pop', 'mean'),
       ('pop', 'std'), ('gdpPercap', 'mean'), ('gdpPercap', 'std')],
      dtype=object) Understanding the level in multi-level index and columns

The gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data dataframe have two levels of index and two level of columns, You can reference these levels in various operations, such as grouping, subsetting, or performing aggregations. The level parameter helps identify which part of the multi-level structure you’re working with.

Index(['Africa', 'Africa', 'Africa', 'Africa', 'Africa', 'Africa', 'Africa',
       'Africa', 'Africa', 'Africa',
       'Europe', 'Europe', 'Europe', 'Europe', 'Europe', 'Europe', 'Europe',
       'Europe', 'Oceania', 'Oceania'],
      dtype='object', name='continent', length=142)
Index(['lifeExp', 'lifeExp', 'pop', 'pop', 'gdpPercap', 'gdpPercap'], dtype='object')
Index(['mean', 'std', 'mean', 'std', 'mean', 'std'], dtype='object')
Index(['mean', 'std', 'mean', 'std', 'mean', 'std'], dtype='object')

As seen above, the outermost level corresponds to level=0, and it increases as we move inward to the inner levels. The innermost level can be referred to as -1.

Now, let’s use the level number in the droplevel() method to see how it works. The syntax for this method is as follows:

DataFrame.droplevel(level, axis=0)

# drop the first level of row index
gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data.droplevel(0, axis=0)
lifeExp pop gdpPercap
mean std mean std mean std
Algeria 59.030167 10.340069 1.987541e+07 8.613355e+06 4426.025973 1310.337656
Angola 37.883500 4.005276 7.309390e+06 2.672281e+06 3607.100529 1165.900251
Benin 48.779917 6.128681 4.017497e+06 2.105002e+06 1155.395107 159.741306
Botswana 54.597500 5.929476 9.711862e+05 4.710965e+05 5031.503557 4178.136987
Burkina Faso 44.694000 6.845792 7.548677e+06 3.247808e+06 843.990665 183.430087
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 6.384293e+06 8.582009e+05 27074.334405 6886.463308
Turkey 59.696417 9.030591 4.590901e+07 1.667768e+07 4469.453380 2049.665102
United Kingdom 73.922583 3.378943 5.608780e+07 3.174339e+06 19380.472986 7388.189399
Australia 74.662917 4.147774 1.464931e+07 3.915203e+06 19980.595634 7815.405220
New Zealand 73.989500 3.559724 3.100032e+06 6.547108e+05 17262.622813 4409.009167

142 rows × 6 columns

# drop the first level of column index
gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data.droplevel(0, axis=1)
mean std mean std mean std
continent country
Africa Algeria 59.030167 10.340069 1.987541e+07 8.613355e+06 4426.025973 1310.337656
Angola 37.883500 4.005276 7.309390e+06 2.672281e+06 3607.100529 1165.900251
Benin 48.779917 6.128681 4.017497e+06 2.105002e+06 1155.395107 159.741306
Botswana 54.597500 5.929476 9.711862e+05 4.710965e+05 5031.503557 4178.136987
Burkina Faso 44.694000 6.845792 7.548677e+06 3.247808e+06 843.990665 183.430087
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Europe Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 6.384293e+06 8.582009e+05 27074.334405 6886.463308
Turkey 59.696417 9.030591 4.590901e+07 1.667768e+07 4469.453380 2049.665102
United Kingdom 73.922583 3.378943 5.608780e+07 3.174339e+06 19380.472986 7388.189399
Oceania Australia 74.662917 4.147774 1.464931e+07 3.915203e+06 19980.595634 7815.405220
New Zealand 73.989500 3.559724 3.100032e+06 6.547108e+05 17262.622813 4409.009167

142 rows × 6 columns Stacking (Columns to Rows ): stack()

The stack() function pivots the columns into rows. You can specify which level you want to stack using the level parameter. By default, it will stack the innermost level of the columns.

lifeExp pop gdpPercap
continent country
Africa Algeria mean 59.030167 1.987541e+07 4426.025973
std 10.340069 8.613355e+06 1310.337656
Angola mean 37.883500 7.309390e+06 3607.100529
std 4.005276 2.672281e+06 1165.900251
Benin mean 48.779917 4.017497e+06 1155.395107
... ... ... ... ... ...
Europe United Kingdom std 3.378943 3.174339e+06 7388.189399
Oceania Australia mean 74.662917 1.464931e+07 19980.595634
std 4.147774 3.915203e+06 7815.405220
New Zealand mean 73.989500 3.100032e+06 17262.622813
std 3.559724 6.547108e+05 4409.009167

284 rows × 3 columns

Let’s change the default setting by specifying the level=0(the outmost level)

gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data.stack(level=0, future_stack=True)
mean std
continent country
Africa Algeria lifeExp 5.903017e+01 1.034007e+01
pop 1.987541e+07 8.613355e+06
gdpPercap 4.426026e+03 1.310338e+03
Angola lifeExp 3.788350e+01 4.005276e+00
pop 7.309390e+06 2.672281e+06
... ... ... ... ...
Oceania Australia pop 1.464931e+07 3.915203e+06
gdpPercap 1.998060e+04 7.815405e+03
New Zealand lifeExp 7.398950e+01 3.559724e+00
pop 3.100032e+06 6.547108e+05
gdpPercap 1.726262e+04 4.409009e+03

426 rows × 2 columns Unstacking (Rows to Columns) : unstack()

The unstack() function pivots the rows back into columns. By default, it will unstack the innermost level of the index.

Let’s reverse the prevous dataframe to its original shape using unstack().

gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data.stack(level=0, future_stack=True).unstack()
mean std
lifeExp pop gdpPercap lifeExp pop gdpPercap
continent country
Africa Algeria 59.030167 1.987541e+07 4426.025973 10.340069 8.613355e+06 1310.337656
Angola 37.883500 7.309390e+06 3607.100529 4.005276 2.672281e+06 1165.900251
Benin 48.779917 4.017497e+06 1155.395107 6.128681 2.105002e+06 159.741306
Botswana 54.597500 9.711862e+05 5031.503557 5.929476 4.710965e+05 4178.136987
Burkina Faso 44.694000 7.548677e+06 843.990665 6.845792 3.247808e+06 183.430087
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Europe Switzerland 75.565083 6.384293e+06 27074.334405 4.011572 8.582009e+05 6886.463308
Turkey 59.696417 4.590901e+07 4469.453380 9.030591 1.667768e+07 2049.665102
United Kingdom 73.922583 5.608780e+07 19380.472986 3.378943 3.174339e+06 7388.189399
Oceania Australia 74.662917 1.464931e+07 19980.595634 4.147774 3.915203e+06 7815.405220
New Zealand 73.989500 3.100032e+06 17262.622813 3.559724 6.547108e+05 4409.009167

142 rows × 6 columns

13.1.6 Transposing using .T attribute

If you simply want to swap rows and columns, you can use the .T attribute.

continent Africa ... Europe Oceania
country Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Comoros ... Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Australia New Zealand
lifeExp mean 5.903017e+01 3.788350e+01 4.877992e+01 54.597500 4.469400e+01 4.481733e+01 4.812850e+01 4.386692e+01 4.677358e+01 52.381750 ... 6.855100e+01 7.069608e+01 7.160075e+01 7.420342e+01 7.617700e+01 7.556508e+01 5.969642e+01 7.392258e+01 7.466292e+01 7.398950e+01
std 1.034007e+01 4.005276e+00 6.128681e+00 5.929476 6.845792e+00 3.174882e+00 5.467960e+00 4.720690e+00 4.887978e+00 8.132353 ... 4.906736e+00 2.715787e+00 3.677979e+00 5.155859e+00 3.003990e+00 4.011572e+00 9.030591e+00 3.378943e+00 4.147774e+00 3.559724e+00
pop mean 1.987541e+07 7.309390e+06 4.017497e+06 971186.166667 7.548677e+06 4.651608e+06 9.816648e+06 2.560963e+06 5.329256e+06 361683.916667 ... 8.783887e+06 4.774507e+06 1.794381e+06 3.585180e+07 8.220029e+06 6.384293e+06 4.590901e+07 5.608780e+07 1.464931e+07 3.100032e+06
std 8.613355e+06 2.672281e+06 2.105002e+06 471096.527435 3.247808e+06 1.874538e+06 4.363640e+06 1.072158e+06 2.464304e+06 182998.737990 ... 1.192153e+06 6.425096e+05 2.022077e+05 4.323928e+06 6.365660e+05 8.582009e+05 1.667768e+07 3.174339e+06 3.915203e+06 6.547108e+05
gdpPercap mean 4.426026e+03 3.607101e+03 1.155395e+03 5031.503557 8.439907e+02 4.716630e+02 1.774634e+03 9.587847e+02 1.165454e+03 1314.380339 ... 9.305049e+03 1.041553e+04 1.407458e+04 1.402983e+04 1.994313e+04 2.707433e+04 4.469453e+03 1.938047e+04 1.998060e+04 1.726262e+04
std 1.310338e+03 1.165900e+03 1.597413e+02 4178.136987 1.834301e+02 9.932972e+01 4.195899e+02 1.919529e+02 2.305481e+02 298.334389 ... 3.829907e+03 3.650231e+03 6.470288e+03 8.046635e+03 7.723248e+03 6.886463e+03 2.049665e+03 7.388189e+03 7.815405e+03 4.409009e+03

6 rows × 142 columns

13.1.7 Summary of Common Reshaping Functions

Function Description Example
pivot() Reshape data by creating new columns from existing ones. Pivot data on index/columns.
melt() Unpivot data, turning columns into rows. Convert wide format to long.
stack() Convert columns to rows. Move column data to rows.
unstack() Convert rows back to columns. Move row data to columns.
.T Transpose the DataFrame (swap rows and columns). Transpose the entire DataFrame.

Practical Use Cases:

  • Pivoting: Useful for time series analysis or when you want to group and summarize data by specific categories.
  • Melting: Helpful when you need to reshape wide data for easier analysis or when preparing data for machine learning algorithms.
  • Stacking/Unstacking: Useful when you are working with hierarchical index DataFrames.
  • Transpose: Helpful for reorienting data for analysis or visualization.

13.1.8 Converting from Multi-Level Index to Single-Level Index DataFrame

If you’re uncomfortable working with DataFrames that have multi-level indexes and columns, you can convert them into single-level DataFrames using the methods you learned in the previous chapter:

  • reset_index()
  • Flattening the multi-level columns
# reset the index to convert the multi-level index to a single-level index
continent country lifeExp pop gdpPercap
mean std mean std mean std
0 Africa Algeria 59.030167 10.340069 1.987541e+07 8.613355e+06 4426.025973 1310.337656
1 Africa Angola 37.883500 4.005276 7.309390e+06 2.672281e+06 3607.100529 1165.900251
2 Africa Benin 48.779917 6.128681 4.017497e+06 2.105002e+06 1155.395107 159.741306
3 Africa Botswana 54.597500 5.929476 9.711862e+05 4.710965e+05 5031.503557 4178.136987
4 Africa Burkina Faso 44.694000 6.845792 7.548677e+06 3.247808e+06 843.990665 183.430087
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
137 Europe Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 6.384293e+06 8.582009e+05 27074.334405 6886.463308
138 Europe Turkey 59.696417 9.030591 4.590901e+07 1.667768e+07 4469.453380 2049.665102
139 Europe United Kingdom 73.922583 3.378943 5.608780e+07 3.174339e+06 19380.472986 7388.189399
140 Oceania Australia 74.662917 4.147774 1.464931e+07 3.915203e+06 19980.595634 7815.405220
141 Oceania New Zealand 73.989500 3.559724 3.100032e+06 6.547108e+05 17262.622813 4409.009167

142 rows × 8 columns

# flatten the multi-level column
gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in gdp_lifeExp_multilevel_data.columns.values]
lifeExp_mean lifeExp_std pop_mean pop_std gdpPercap_mean gdpPercap_std
continent country
Africa Algeria 59.030167 10.340069 1.987541e+07 8.613355e+06 4426.025973 1310.337656
Angola 37.883500 4.005276 7.309390e+06 2.672281e+06 3607.100529 1165.900251
Benin 48.779917 6.128681 4.017497e+06 2.105002e+06 1155.395107 159.741306
Botswana 54.597500 5.929476 9.711862e+05 4.710965e+05 5031.503557 4178.136987
Burkina Faso 44.694000 6.845792 7.548677e+06 3.247808e+06 843.990665 183.430087
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Europe Switzerland 75.565083 4.011572 6.384293e+06 8.582009e+05 27074.334405 6886.463308
Turkey 59.696417 9.030591 4.590901e+07 1.667768e+07 4469.453380 2049.665102
United Kingdom 73.922583 3.378943 5.608780e+07 3.174339e+06 19380.472986 7388.189399
Oceania Australia 74.662917 4.147774 1.464931e+07 3.915203e+06 19980.595634 7815.405220
New Zealand 73.989500 3.559724 3.100032e+06 6.547108e+05 17262.622813 4409.009167

142 rows × 6 columns

13.2 Data Enriching

Data enriching involves enhancing your existing dataset by adding additional data, often from external sources, to make your dataset more insightful.

There are 3 common methods for data enriching:

  • Merging using merge(): Combining datasets based on a common key.
  • Joining using join(): Using indices to combine data.
  • Concatenation using concat(): Stacking DataFrames vertically or horizontally.

Let’s first load the existing data

df_existing = pd.read_csv('./datasets/LOTR.csv')
(4, 3)
FellowshipID FirstName Skills
0 1001 Frodo Hiding
1 1002 Samwise Gardening
2 1003 Gandalf Spells
3 1004 Pippin Fireworks

Let’s next load the external data we want to combine to the existing data

df_external = pd.read_csv("./datasets/LOTR 2.csv")
(5, 3)
FellowshipID FirstName Age
0 1001 Frodo 50
1 1002 Samwise 39
2 1006 Legolas 2931
3 1007 Elrond 6520
4 1008 Barromir 51

13.2.1 Combining based on common keys: merge()

df_enriched_merge = pd.merge(df_existing, df_external)
(2, 4)
FellowshipID FirstName Skills Age
0 1001 Frodo Hiding 50
1 1002 Samwise Gardening 39

You can also do this way

df_enriched_merge = df_existing.merge(df_external)
(2, 4)
FellowshipID FirstName Skills Age
0 1001 Frodo Hiding 50
1 1002 Samwise Gardening 39

By default, the merge() function in pandas performs an inner join, which combines two DataFrames based on the common keys shared by both. Only the rows with matching keys in both DataFrames are retained in the result.

This behavior can be observed in the following code:

df_enriched_merge = pd.merge(df_existing, df_external, how='inner')
(2, 4)
FellowshipID FirstName Skills Age
0 1001 Frodo Hiding 50
1 1002 Samwise Gardening 39

When you may use inner join? You should use inner join when you cannot carry out the analysis unless the observation corresponding to the key column(s) is present in both the tables.

Example: Suppose you wish to analyze the association between vaccinations and covid infection rate based on country-level data. In one of the datasets, you have the infection rate for each country, while in the other one you have the number of vaccinations in each country. The countries which have either the vaccination or the infection rate missing, cannot help analyze the association. In such as case you may be interested only in countries that have values for both the variables. Thus, you will use inner join to discard the countries with either value missing.

In merge(), the how parameter specifies the type of merge to be performed, the default option is inner, it could also be left, right, and outer.


These join types give you flexibility in how you want to merge and combine data from different sources.

Let’s see how each of these works using our dataframes defined above

Left Join

  • Returns all rows from the left DataFrame and the matching rows from the right DataFrame.
  • Missing values (NaN) are introduced for non-matching keys from the right DataFrame.
df_merge_lft = pd.merge(df_existing, df_external, how='left')
(4, 4)
FellowshipID FirstName Skills Age
0 1001 Frodo Hiding 50.0
1 1002 Samwise Gardening 39.0
2 1003 Gandalf Spells NaN
3 1004 Pippin Fireworks NaN

When you may use left join? You should use left join when the primary variable(s) of interest are present in the one of the datasets, and whose missing values cannot be imputed. The variable(s) in the other dataset may not be as important or it may be possible to reasonably impute their values, if missing corresponding to the observation in the primary dataset.


  1. Suppose you wish to analyze the association between the covid infection rate and the government effectiveness score (a metric used to determine the effectiveness of the government in implementing policies, upholding law and order etc.) based on the data of all countries. Let us say that one of the datasets contains the covid infection rate, while the other one contains the government effectiveness score for each country. If the infection rate for a country is missing, it might be hard to impute. However, the government effectiveness score may be easier to impute based on GDP per capita, crime rate etc. - information that is easily available online. In such a case, you may wish to use a left join where you keep all the countries for which the infection rate is known.

  2. Suppose you wish to analyze the association between demographics such as age, income etc. and the amount of credit card spend. Let us say one of the datasets contains the demographic information of each customer, while the other one contains the credit card spend for the customers who made at least one purchase. In such as case, you may want to do a left join as customers not making any purchase might be absent in the card spend data. Their spend can be imputed as zero after merging the datasets.

Right join

  • Returns all rows from the right DataFrame and the matching rows from the left DataFrame.
  • Missing values (NaN) are introduced for non-matching keys from the left DataFrame.
df_merge_right = pd.merge(df_existing, df_external, how='right')
(5, 4)
FellowshipID FirstName Skills Age
0 1001 Frodo Hiding 50
1 1002 Samwise Gardening 39
2 1006 Legolas NaN 2931
3 1007 Elrond NaN 6520
4 1008 Barromir NaN 51

When you may use right join? You can always use a left join instead of a right join. Their purpose is the same. outer join

  • Returns all rows from both DataFrames, with NaN values where no match is found.
df_merge_outer = pd.merge(df_existing, df_external, how='outer')
(7, 4)
FellowshipID FirstName Skills Age
0 1001 Frodo Hiding 50.0
1 1002 Samwise Gardening 39.0
2 1003 Gandalf Spells NaN
3 1004 Pippin Fireworks NaN
4 1006 Legolas NaN 2931.0
5 1007 Elrond NaN 6520.0
6 1008 Barromir NaN 51.0

When you may use outer join? You should use an outer join when you cannot afford to lose data present in either of the tables. All the other joins may result in loss of data.

Example: Suppose I took two course surveys for this course. If I need to analyze student sentiment during the course, I will take an outer join of both the surveys. Assume that each survey is a dataset, where each row corresponds to a unique student. Even if a student has answered one of the two surverys, it will be indicative of the sentiment, and will be useful to keep in the merged dataset.

13.2.2 Combining based on Indices: join()

Unlike merge(), join() in pandas combines data based on the index. When using join(), you must specify the suffixes parameter if there are overlapping column names, as it does not have default values. You can refer to the official function definition here: pandas.DataFrame.join.

df_enriched_join = df_existing.join(df_external)
ValueError: columns overlap but no suffix specified: Index(['FellowshipID', 'FirstName'], dtype='object')

Let’s set the suffix to fix this issue

df_enriched_join = df_existing.join(df_external, lsuffix = '_existing',rsuffix = '_external')
(4, 6)
FellowshipID_existing FirstName_existing Skills FellowshipID_external FirstName_external Age
0 1001 Frodo Hiding 1001 Frodo 50
1 1002 Samwise Gardening 1002 Samwise 39
2 1003 Gandalf Spells 1006 Legolas 2931
3 1004 Pippin Fireworks 1007 Elrond 6520

As can be observed, join() merges DataFrames using their index and performs a left join.

Now, let’s set the “FellowshipID” column as the index in both DataFrames and see what happens.

# set the index of the dataframes as the "FellowshipID" column
df_existing.set_index('FellowshipID', inplace=True)
df_external.set_index('FellowshipID', inplace=True)
# join the two dataframes
df_enriched_join = df_existing.join(df_external, lsuffix = '_existing',rsuffix = '_external')
(4, 4)
FirstName_existing Skills FirstName_external Age
1001 Frodo Hiding Frodo 50.0
1002 Samwise Gardening Samwise 39.0
1003 Gandalf Spells NaN NaN
1004 Pippin Fireworks NaN NaN

In this case, df_enriched_join will contain all rows from df_existing and the corresponding matching rows from df_external, with NaN values for non-matching entries.

Similar to merge(), you can change the type of join in join() by explicitly specifying the how parameter. However, this explanation will be skipped here, as the different join types have already been covered in the merge() section above.

13.2.3 Stacking vertically or horizontally: concat()

concat() is used in pandas to concatenate DataFrames along a specified axis, either rows or columns. Similar to concat() in NumPy, it defaults to concatenating along the rows.

# let's concatenate the two dataframes using default setting
df_concat = pd.concat([df_existing, df_external])
(9, 3)
FirstName Skills Age
1001 Frodo Hiding NaN
1002 Samwise Gardening NaN
1003 Gandalf Spells NaN
1004 Pippin Fireworks NaN
1001 Frodo NaN 50.0
1002 Samwise NaN 39.0
1006 Legolas NaN 2931.0
1007 Elrond NaN 6520.0
1008 Barromir NaN 51.0
# Concatenating along columns (horizontal)
df_concat_columns = pd.concat([df_existing, df_external], axis=1)
(7, 4)
FirstName Skills FirstName Age
1001 Frodo Hiding Frodo 50.0
1002 Samwise Gardening Samwise 39.0
1003 Gandalf Spells NaN NaN
1004 Pippin Fireworks NaN NaN
1006 NaN NaN Legolas 2931.0
1007 NaN NaN Elrond 6520.0
1008 NaN NaN Barromir 51.0

13.2.4 Missing values after data enriching

Using either of the approaches mentioned above may introduce missing values for unmatched entries. Handling these missing values is crucial for maintaining the quality and integrity of your dataset after merging or joining DataFrames. It is important to choose a method that best fits your data and analysis goals, and to document your decisions regarding missing value handling for transparency in your analysis.

Question: Read the documentations of the Pandas DataFrame methods merge() and concat(), and identify the differences. Mention examples when you can use (i) either, (ii) only concat(), (iii) only merge()


  1. If we need to merge datasets using row indices, we can use either function.

  2. If we need to stack datasets one on top of the other, we can only use concat()

  3. If we need to merge datasets using overlapping columns we can only use merge()

For a comprehensive user guide, please refer to the official documentation.

13.3 Independent Study

13.3.1 Practice exercise 1

You are given the life expectancy data of each continent as a separate *.csv file.

Visualize the change of life expectancy over time for different continents.

Appending all the data files, i.e., stacking them on top of each other to form a combined datasets called “data_all_continents”

13.3.2 Practice exercise 2 Preparing GDP per capita data

Read the GDP per capita data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita

Drop all the Year columns. Use the drop() method with the columns, level and inplace arguments. Print the first 2 rows of the updated DataFrame. If the first row of the DataFrame has missing values for all columns, drop that row as well.

Drop the inner level of column labels. Use the droplevel() method. Print the first 2 rows of the updated DataFrame.

Convert the columns consisting of GDP per capita by IMF, World Bank, and the United Nations to numeric. Apply a lambda function on these columns to convert them to numeric. Print the number of missing values in each column of the updated DataFrame.

Note: Do not apply the function 3 times. Apply it once on a DataFrame consisting of these 3 columns.

Apply the lambda function below on all the column names of the dataset obtained in the previous question to clean the column names.

import re

column_name_cleaner = lambda x:re.split(r'\[|/', x)[0]

Note: You will need to edit the parameter of the function, i.e., x in the above function to make sure it is applied on column names and not columns.

Print the first 2 rows of the updated DataFrame.

Create a new column GDP_per_capita that copies the GDP per capita values of the United Nations. If the GDP per capita is missing in the United Nations column, then copy it from the World Bank column. If the GDP per capita is missing both in the United Nations and the World Bank columns, then copy it from the IMF column.

Print the number of missing values in the GDP_per_capita column.

Drop all the columns except Country and GDP_per_capita. Print the first 2 rows of the updated DataFrame.

The country names contain some special characters (characters other than letters) and need to be cleaned. The following function can help clean country names:

import re

country_names_clean_gdp_data = lambda x: re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', x).strip()

Apply the above lambda function on the country column to clean country names. Save the cleaned dataset as gdp_per_capita_data. Print the first 2 rows of the updated DataFrame. Preparing population data

Read the population data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_(United_Nations).

  • Drop all columns except Country, UN Continental Region[1], and Population (1 July 2023).
  • Drop the first row since it is the total population in the world

Apply the lambda function below on all the column names of the dataset obtained in the previous question to clean the column names.

import re

column_name_cleaner = lambda x:re.split(r'\[|/|\(| ', x.name)[0]

Note: You will need to edit the parameter of the function, i.e., x in the above function to make sure it is applied on column names and not columns.

Print the first 2 rows of the updated DataFrame.

The country names contain some special characters (characters other than letters) and need to be cleaned. The following function can help clean country names:

import re

country_names_clean_population_data = lambda x: re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", x).strip()

Apply the above lambda function on the country column to clean country names. Save the cleaned dataset as population_data. Merging GDP per capita and population datasets

Merge gdp_per_capita_data with population_data to get the population and GDP per capita of countries in a single dataset. Print the first two rows of the merged DataFrame.

Assume that:

  1. We want to keep the GDP per capita of all countries in the merged dataset, even if their population in unavailable in the population dataset. For countries whose population in unavailable, their Population column will show NA.

  2. We want to discard an observation of a country if its GDP per capita is unavailable.

For how many countries in gdp_per_capita_data does the population seem to be unavailable in population_data? Note that you don’t need to clean country names any further than cleaned by the functions provided.

Print the observations of gdp_per_capita_data with missing Population.

13.3.3 Merging datasets with similar values in the key column

We suspect that population of more countries may be available in population_data. However, due to unclean country names, the observations could not merge. For example, the country Guinea Bissau is mentioned as GuineaBissau in gdp_per_capita_data and Guinea-Bissau in population_data. To resolve this issue, we’ll use a different approach to merge datasts. We’ll merge the population of a country to an observation in the GDP per capita dataset, whose name in population_data is the most ‘similar’ to the name of the country in gdp_per_capita_data.

Proceed as follows:

  1. For each country in gdp_per_capita_data, find the country with the most ‘similar’ name in population_data, based on the similarity score. Use the lambda function provided below to compute the similarity score between two strings (The higher the score, the more similar are the strings. The similarity score is \(1.0\) if two strings are exactly the same).

  2. Merge the population of the most ‘similar’ country to the country in gdp_per_capita_data. The merged dataset must include 5 columns - the country name as it appears in gdp_per_capita_data, the GDP per capita, the country name of the most ‘similar’ country as it appears in population_data, the population of that country, and the similarity score between the country names.

  3. After creating the merged dataset, print the rows of the dataset that have similarity scores less than 1.

Use the function below to compute the similarity score between the Country names of the two datasets:

from difflib import SequenceMatcher

similar = lambda a,b: SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()

Note: You may use one for loop only for this particular question. However, it would be perfect if don’t use a for loop


  1. Define a function that computes the index of the observation having the most ‘similar’ country name in population_data for an observation in gdp_per_capita_data. The function returns a Series consisting of the most ‘similar’ country name, its population, and its similarity score (This function can be written with only one line in its body, excluding the return statement and the definition statement. However, you may use as many lines as you wish).

  2. Apply the function on the Country column of gdp_per_capita_data. A DataFrame will be obtained.

  3. Concatenate the DataFrame obtained in (2) with gdp_per_capita_data with the pandas concat() function.

In the dataset obtained in the previous question, for all observations where similarity score is less than 0.8, replace the population with Nan.

Print the observations of the dataset having missing values of population.